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- /*
- ==============================================================================
- Project: POV-Ray
- Version: 2.2
- File Name: ProgressDialog.c
- Description:
- General-purpose progress bar handling for dialogs.
- This is the main source file, containing the private definitions and
- code to implement all the needed external and internal support functions.
- Related Files:
- ProgressDialog.h - Header for these routines
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Author:
- Eduard [esp] Schwan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- Copyright 1993 Persistence of Vision Team
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTICE: This source code file is provided so that users may experiment
- with enhancements to POV-Ray and to port the software to platforms other
- than those supported by the POV-Ray Team. There are strict rules under
- which you are permitted to use this file. The rules are in the file
- named POVLEGAL.DOC which should be distributed with this file. If
- POVLEGAL.DOC is not available or for more info please contact the POV-Ray
- Team Coordinator by leaving a message in CompuServe's Graphics Developer's
- Forum. The latest version of POV-Ray may be found there as well.
- This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
- DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
- DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- More Info:
- This Macintosh version of POV-Ray was created and compiled by Jim Nitchals
- (Think 5.0) and Eduard Schwan (MPW 3.2), based (loosely) on the original
- port by Thomas Okken and David Lichtman, with some help from Glenn Sugden.
- For bug reports regarding the Macintosh version, you should contact:
- Eduard [esp] Schwan
- CompuServe: 71513,2161
- Internet: jl.tech@applelink.apple.com
- AppleLink: jl.tech
- Jim Nitchals
- Compuserve: 73117,3020
- America Online: JIMN8
- Internet: jimn8@aol.com -or- jimn8@applelink.apple.com
- AppleLink: JIMN8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Change History:
- 920820 [esp] Created
- 920920 [esp] changed highestVal from int to long
- 930619 [esp] added dispose fn
- 930903 [esp] Worked on display bug in showProgress_UProc
- 930911 [esp] Finally fixed the display bug in showProgress_UProc
- 931001 [esp] version 2.0 finished (Released on 10/4/93)
- 931119 [djh] 2.0.1 conditionally compiles for PPC machine, keyword __powerc
- 940416 [PFS] 2.2.1 greatly reworked to clean up PPC support and provide CodeWarrior projects
- ==============================================================================
- */
- /* Macintosh-specific headers */
- #include <Types.h>
- #include <Dialogs.h>
- #include <QuickDraw.h>
- #include "POVMac.h" // RoutineDescriptors & MixedMode.h
- #include "ProgressDialog.h" // our defs
- // Forward declaration
- pascal void showProgress_UProcProc(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem);
- /* gProgressItemValue will be set to 0 to 100 by CalculateProgressValue() */
- static unsigned long gProgressItemValue;
- static short gProgressItemNum;
- static Rect gProgressItemRect;
- static RgnHandle gProgressItemRgn = NULL;
- // ==============================================
- // Set up a user item proc for drawing progress bar
- CALLBACK(pascal void, uppUserItemProcInfo, showProgress_UProc)(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem)
- {
- #pragma unused (theItem)
- PenState SavePen;
- short progressPos;
- Rect dispRect,
- outerRect,
- progressRect;
- // remember original penstate
- SetPort(theDialog);
- GetPenState(&SavePen);
- // find progress bar rectangle
- dispRect = gProgressItemRect;
- // outer frame
- outerRect = dispRect;
- InsetRect(&outerRect, 1, 1);
- PenSize(1, 1);
- ForeColor(blackColor);
- FrameRect(&outerRect);
- // set up progress rect
- progressRect = dispRect;
- InsetRect(&progressRect, 3, 3);
- // calculate inner bar progress position
- if (gProgressItemValue > 100)
- gProgressItemValue = 100;
- progressPos = ((unsigned long)(progressRect.right - progressRect.left) * gProgressItemValue) / 100L;
- // draw inner bar (left filled side)
- if (progressPos > 0)
- {
- progressRect.right = dispRect.left + progressPos;
- ForeColor(blackColor);
- PaintRect(&progressRect);
- // draw inner bar (right open side)
- if (progressPos < 100)
- {
- progressRect.left = dispRect.left + progressPos;
- ForeColor(whiteColor);
- PaintRect(&progressRect);
- }
- }
- // restore state
- SetPenState(&SavePen);
- } // showProgress_UProc
- // ==============================================
- // Sets dialog item's display proc to draw progress bar
- static void SetupProgressItem(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItemNum)
- {
- short itemtype;
- Handle tempHandle;
- gProgressItemValue = 0;
- // Set up User item to display a progress bar
- GetDItem(theDialog, theItemNum, &itemtype, &tempHandle, &gProgressItemRect);
- SetDItem(theDialog, theItemNum, itemtype, (Handle)&showProgress_UProc, &gProgressItemRect);
- // remember.. for later updates
- gProgressItemRgn = NewRgn();
- RectRgn(gProgressItemRgn, &gProgressItemRect);
- gProgressItemNum = theItemNum;
- } // SetupProgressItem
- // ==============================================
- // Loads Dialog resource and sets up progress bar user item proc
- DialogPtr GetNewProgressDialog(short theDialogID, short theProgressItemNum)
- {
- DialogPtr theDialog = NULL;
- theDialog = GetNewDialog(theDialogID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1);
- if (theDialog)
- SetupProgressItem(theDialog, theProgressItemNum);
- return (theDialog);
- } // GetNewProgressDialog
- // ==============================================
- // Calculates current value for progress bar
- static void CalculateProgressValue(long lowestVal, long highestVal, long currentVal)
- {
- // Clip against upper & lower bounds
- if (currentVal < lowestVal)
- currentVal = lowestVal;
- else
- if (currentVal > highestVal)
- currentVal = highestVal;
- // Now calculate current value
- gProgressItemValue = (currentVal-lowestVal) * 100L / (highestVal-lowestVal);
- } // CalculateProgressValue
- // ==============================================
- // Recalculate progress bar and redisplay dialog
- void updateProgressDialog(DialogPtr pDialogPtr, long lowestVal, long highestVal, long currentVal)
- {
- CalculateProgressValue(lowestVal, highestVal, currentVal);
- SetPort(pDialogPtr);
- InvalRect(&gProgressItemRect);
- BeginUpdate(pDialogPtr);
- UpdateDialog(pDialogPtr, gProgressItemRgn);
- EndUpdate(pDialogPtr);
- } // updateProgressDialog
- // ==============================================
- // dispose the progress bar dialog
- void disposeProgressDialog(DialogPtr pDialogPtr)
- {
- if (pDialogPtr)
- {
- DisposeDialog(pDialogPtr);
- pDialogPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (gProgressItemRgn)
- {
- DisposeRgn(gProgressItemRgn);
- gProgressItemRgn = NULL;
- }
- } // disposeProgressDialog